We are closed through 7 April now.
With the Governor ordering stay at home today, 23 March 2020 and beginning tomorrow, we will be closed until that time for now. Until then, we just finished our first live stream class. Its on our Facebook page in three parts. https://www.facebook.com/178277148878976/videos/212700666470496/. Also, 2 parts on our YouTube., https://youtu.be/MMZA64I6AfY
Lee’s Closed thru March 29
Lee’s Martial Arts will be closed 16-29 March. With COVID-19, all schools and large events being shut down, and it being Spring Break we believe this is the correct decision for us at this time.
Please continue to keep yourselves and your families safe and healthy.
Students, use this time to maintain your training schedule. Train at home at the same day and time you would have been at Lee’s training. If you do not have a home practice schedule, plan that out. Dust off your Student Guide and see what you need to know for your next rank, identify, and work on those weaknesses. Work on and pick apart your forms. Use this as an opportunity to refocus your training.
Master Curry
Happy Holidays. Lee’s will be closed 24-28 December for the Holiday season. Have a Merry Christmas!!
We will be closed on Thanksgiving, 27-29 November. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Reminder. We will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, 2 September.
We will be closed 4-5 July. Happy Independence Day.
October 2018 Announcements
In October we will be closed on Monday, 8th October for Columbus Day.
Our promotion test is Saturday, 13 October at 10am. Students should arrange to pay in advance, sign test form, and arrive no later than 0945am to get dressed and warmed up. The makeup test is Monday, 15 October at 6pm. Let us know if you plan to do the makeup so Mr. Lewis can prepare.
Monday, 15 October at 6pm will also be our YMCA Promotion Test.
Happy New Year!! Let’s be consistent and persistent this year.
With the New Year come New Year’s resolutions. The new year usually brings a new resolve to improve ourselves. Some hit the gym hard, some practice their martial arts more at home, some resolve to lose that weight they gained the previous year. Whatever you may resolve to do, make a realistic plan. It took us a while to get out of shape, gain those extra pounds, or fill our schedules with other activities. Pick a realistic goal and start. It is better to be consistent and persistent that to burn yourself out and dread going to the gym, or what your eat, or practicing at home. Start slow, let your body accommodate to the changes and then continue, consistent and persistent.
We will be closed 23-26 December for the Christmas Holiday.
We will be closed for the Christmas holiday on 23-26 December. Have a wonderful Christmas.