October Promoted Students

Congratulations to all the testing students in Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido. Through the many distractions of summer break, back to school bustle, and other events, your hard work and perseverance paid off and all were successfully promoted. Kevin Nguyen was voted Outstanding Student for this test cycle.

october 2014 test

The following students were promoted:
Yellow – Octavia Dickinson, Blake Hibrader, Sawyer LaGrange
Green – Kenin Krieger, Alan Martindale
Purple – Michael Schneidt (TKD/HKD)
Blue – Kevin Nguyen (Outstanding Student)
Red – Tyrone Bradley

For those working towards a test in December, February, or April, now is the time to review your Student Guide (located in the Members Section) requirements and make a plan to work towards meeting those requirements. For those that have been on break for the summer or other sports, now is the time to renew your martial arts commitment. As always, promotion tests are scheduled on the 2nd Saturday of every even month and we are here to help you plan and achieve your goals!